Standard mail is mail matter not required to be mailed as first-class. The standard
mail rate is lower because the standard characteristics allow for quicker handling.
Standard mail and non-profit standard mail is printed matter such as pamphlets, newsletters,
direct mail or merchandise that weighs less than 16 oz. All standard mailings must
be pre-qualified before mailing by Mail Services.
Preparation for Standard Mail (bulk 455 permit):
- Must be a mailing of 200 pieces or 50lbs.
- Must be identical in size and weight.
- Must be all printed material, nothing hand written other than a signature.
- Must contain University-related matter.
- All permit mailings must be accompanied with an account number.
- All mailings must meet “move update” requirements or it will mail at first class rates.
- Metered mail will require an endorsement, unless proof of “move update” is provided.
Drop-Off Location
- Sender must submit standard mailings to the standard mail location at the USB (University
Services Building) or to Mail Services.
- Must be in ZIP code order from ascending to descending
- All domestic mail pieces must be facing in the same direction.
- The University has a mailing permit for presorted standard and non-profit, Permit
- Postage can be applied as pre-printed (called indicia), hand stamped or applied by
addressing or postage equipment.
- If permit is already on the mailing piece, the sender must have a total piece count
of the mailing. If we are to apply the postage, a piece count is not needed, and the
mail pieces do not have to be identical in weight.
- If letter-sized mail is not sealed, raise the flaps. Our mailing machines will seal
and apply the postage when processed.
- All flats and invitation size envelopes must be sealed.
Dimensions and weight
- Maximum weight: 16 oz.
- Postcard and letter-sized mail is the same postage rate
- Letter-sized mail over 1/4-inch thick will go to the non-letter-sized rate.
- Letter- and non-letter-sized mail weighing over 3.3 oz. will be charged by the piece
in addition to a pound rate. Depending on the mail piece, it may be subject to a non-machinable
surcharge for letter-sized mail pieces.
- Must include a complete delivery address with correct ZIP code or ZIP + 4 code.
- A certified process must be used at least once a year to ensure accuracy of 5-digit
ZIP codes.
- Preferred addressing is the same as first class.
- Keep standard mail separate from all other mail, whether being delivered to or picked
up by Mail Services carriers.
- Mailings should be identified as standard mail (bulk) and must have an Account Information
Form attached.
- We require that departments keep envelopes with an indicia and those without separate.
You can not combine the two to make a 200 piece mailing. To use the envelopes in combination
the department must cover up the indicia on the envelopes with a white label and Mail
Services will meter the mailing.
- Mail Services has mail trays and tubs for departmental use.
Characteristics and Contents
- Letters: Maximum weight is 3.3 oz. Must be rectangular in shape. Dimensions are the
same as first class.
- Flats: Maximum weight is 16 oz. Must be rectangular in shape, unless greater than
1/4 inch thick. Dimensions: Minimum is more than 11 1/2 inches long, or more than
6 1/8 inches in high, or more than 1/4 inch thick. Maximum is 15 inches long, 12 inches
high and 3/4 inch thick.
- Must be delivered by the department to the standard mail center in the USB room 128,
or to Mail Services in the University Union.
- We can arrange to have mailings picked up by our carriers if the department calls
in advance.
- We charge a handling fee to process standard mailings.
- Mailings received after noon will be dispatched the next day.
- There are deadlines for standard mailings before Thanksgiving, Christmas and year
- A postage statement must accompany mailings.
- Mailings are taken daily (Monday-Friday) to the Denton Post Office (downtown) from
the Standard Mail Center in the USB.
- Standard mailings are not accepted on federal holidays at the Denton Post Office.